It’s important you follow the guidelines provided by the CDC this fall. Stay six feet from others who are not in your party. If the area you’re in requires a face mask, wear one. If you’re sick, don’t go out. This applies to getting sick while on your trip as well. Just stay in your camper or your hotel room and wait it out until you’re not symptomatic anymore. There could also be specific requirements for the local area, so you should look into the restrictions and abide by them for each area you’ll stay in or pass through.
If it works for the type of trip you’re taking, pack as much of your own food as possible. This will limit the amount of times you have to stop or put yourself in a public situation. Use disinfecting wipes on handles when you’re at the gas station, and sanitize your hands when you’re done. Make as few stops as needed, but remember to put safety as a priority as well and get enough sleep between drives.
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